Clinical Hypnosis

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Clinical Hypnosis

The Society of Clinical Hypnosis (Division 30) of the American Psychological Association defines hypnosis as, “A state of consciousness involving focused attention and reduced peripheral awareness characterized by an enhanced capacity for response to suggestion.” This temporary shift in consciousness allows us to draw upon our innate abilities, which can enhance our ability to change. Learning self-hypnosis enables you to unlock more of your potential (ASCH). I do not use hypnosis as a stand-alone treatment; rather, it is a tool that can enhance our other work together. Hypnosis has shown benefits in the management of many conditions including chronic pain, sleep disorders, anxiety, and stress. I have also used it as one tool to help my clients quit smoking.

There are many misunderstandings about hypnosis. On myth is that the client is under the control of the hypnotist. This could not be further from the truth (ASCH, 2023). My goal is only to facilitate and guide the hypnotic process should you choose to incorporate this tool into your care. You are permitted to audio record the hypnosis portions of our sessions for your personal use.