Improve your sleep

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Do you want better sleep?


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) is the best treatment for chronic insomnia.  Together, we will work to improve your sleep! Most clients have better sleep in about 4-12, sessions. I offer a very unique option for the treatment of insomnia, which combines traditional CBT-I strategies with clinical hypnosis when appropriate to help clients with relaxation, disengage from conscious alertness, manage stress, and promote sleep.  This additional clinical component may be particularly useful for clients with anxiety and older adults with mild cognitive impairment.


Some people have kind of the opposite problem of insomnia where they sleep more than the average person.  I can help clients with hypersomnia better understand cope so they can improve their functioning.


I help clients with nightmares using Image Rehearsal Therapy and Examining, Exposure, Relaxation, and Rescription Therapy.  The majority of clients experience a reduction in severity and intensity of nightmares.  For some clients, nightmares are entirely eliminated.

Sleep Apnea

I also help people with sleep apnea adjust to sleeping with a PAP (positive airway pressure) machine (e.g., CPAP, BIPAP, APAP), which can improve sleep and leave you feeling less sleepy during the day.


Finally, I can sometimes help people experiencing certain kinds of parasomnias, which cause them to experience frightening sleep paralysis, walk, talk or even eat in their sleep using clinical hypnosis.