Pain and Health Psychology

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Pain and Health Psychology
"Life is not merely being alive, but being well."--- Marcus Aurelius

Pain Psychology

Perhaps you feel like you’ve just been surviving day to day.   Sometimes it might feel like you’re barely hanging on.  It doesn’t have to be this way.  Drs. Skyler Shollenbarger and Dyani Saxby have worked with thousands of patients living with daily pain and have had the great honor of watching many of them go from surviving to thriving.  We offer tools to help you improve your pain management and get back to living. We often hear clients tell us that they get trapped in a crash and burn cycle.  They feel guilty for not being able to do things when their pain is flared up. Then, on a “good pain day” they push through the pain and try to do too much.  This results in worse pain, depression, insomnia, and inability to function. We want to help you break the chronic pain cycle and improve your quality of life.  

Health Psychology

 We know how life altering, overwhelming, and frustrating it can be to manage a chronic medical condition.  For many patients, traditional medicine cannot provide all of the answers, which can leave them feeling left in the dark and without hope.  Health psychologists are able to provide additional therapy that help patients address how chronic medical problems can impact the mind, body, and soul.  For example, the stress resulting from having a chronic medical problem can contribute to inflammation and flare ups of many conditions, resulting in a vicious cycle.  We can also help you break that cycle and improve your quality of life when dealing with conditions such as:

– Cardiac problems
– Chronic fatigue
– Diabetes
– Irritable bowel syndrome
-Ehler’s Danlos
-Neurological disease

It is important to note that our work with clients is not a replacement for medical advice and treatment.  You are encouraged to consult a physician for any medical concerns you have.  Our work with you can enhance your ongoing medical care.